The July 8th rush hour incident involving one of PATCO’s refurbished cars was the result of a pinched electrical wire in the console of the train operator’s cab.
The pinched wire was part of the Automatic Train Control (ATC) switch/circuit, a feature that PATCO trains have always had. The switch slows the train from 20 mph to 15 mph at the curve on Track 1, west of Franklin Square, to improve passenger comfort when operating through this curve. When the operator activated the switch, the console lost power and the train stopped. The train operated properly, since it recognized the loss of ATC protection and immediately came to a stop.
The project team is inspecting the twelve accepted cars and making corrective actions if required. The inspections will be completed today, and trains will be placed back into revenue service once all corrective actions are completed and we have confirmation that no issues remain.
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