The Delaware River Port Authority today proposed an austere operating budget, which limits spending, holds the line on salary increases and minimizes debt service costs.
The 2010 DRPA/PATCO overall operating budgets increase spending by 1.22 percent. The 2010 budget closely follows the cost-saving measures begun in recent years and includes no increases in salary or wages for most of the Authority’s approximately 900 employees. The only exception is some PATCO employees who are members of the Teamsters union, who have a multi-year employment contract calling for an increase in 2010.
DRPA also presented a proposed capital budget in the amount of $142 million for 2010. If approved, as part of the capital program, the bridges and PATCO will undergo significant repairs and upgrades to ensure their continued use and safety, as identified by staff and the 2008 Biennial Inspection. The plan includes projects such as re-decking the Walt Whitman Bridge, rebuilding the PATCO train cars and numerous repairs and upgrades at the four bridges and PATCO.
The DPRA Board of Commissioners is expected to vote on the 2010 Budget at its next regularly scheduled Board Meeting, December 9 at 10 a.m. at DRPA’s Headquarters Building at One Port Center in Camden, NJ.
“When I began my tenure here at DRPA, I pledged that the Authority would conduct itself responsibly by always respecting the public’s right to know. To meet that goal, whenever possible, we have made the public a part of our decision making process,” says John J. Matheussen DRPA CEO and PATCO President. “That pledge continues today, as I present to the public, the proposed 2010 budget which, although frugal, addresses the critical needs facing the Authority such as maintaining the safety, security and serviceability of our facilities.”
“The budget reflects many months of hard work on the part of staff and is the result of the commitment of the entire Authority to keep spending in line,” said DRPA Chief Financial Officer John Hanson.
The Delaware River Port Authority is a regional transportation agency. DRPA owns and operates the Benjamin Franklin, Walt Whitman, Commodore Barry and Betsy Ross bridges, PATCO, the Philadelphia Cruise Terminal and the RiverLink Ferry.
View 2010 Budget Documents (PDFs):
2010 Proposed Budget Presentation
2010 Proposed Capital Program
2010 Proposed 5 Year Capital Program
2010 Proposed PATCO Budget
2010 Proposed Operational Summaries
2010 Proposed DRPA Operating Budget
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